Fire & Life Safety
Floor Warden Information
Case studies of office fires show that most could have been prevented if simple safety precautions had been exercised.
You can prevent fire by following these simple precautions:
- Assign someone to make certain that all appliances are turned off at the end of the day
- Be alert for strange odors, sparks or flashes from electrical appliances. Have malfunctions checked immediately.
- Do not overload electrical receptacles or circuits.
- Store and use flammable liquids according to safety regulations. Clean up spills at once. Do not place flammable materials on top of computer terminals.
- Do not use space heaters or place live Christmas trees in your suite.
- Do not obstruct sprinkler heads. Nothing should be stored within 18" of the ceiling. Have all employees participate in Fire Drills and aware of safe refuge locations.
Plan Ahead
- Assign a Floor Warden and an Alternate to handle related responsibilities applicable with emergency procedures.
- Have Fire Department and other emergency phone numbers available for quick reference in case of an emergency.
- Know where your Primary and Secondary Emergency Exits are located and where they lead.
- Know the routes and count the doors to your Emergency Exits. It is hard to see exit signs through smoke and you may have to feel your way out.
- Know location, type and operation of fire alarms and fire extinguishers. Contact your Floor Warden or Fire Safety Director for fire extinguisher training.
- Know location of Safe Refuge Areas inside and outside your building. Participate in all fire drills.
If You Discover a Fire:
- CLEAR anyone in immediate danger.
- CONFINE the fire by closing all doors and windows to the area.
- CALL the Fire Department (911), Security (404) 654-1285, Property Management (404) 524-3787and your Floor Warden.
- ACTIVATE fire alarm by pulling the hand on the fire alarm pull station (located next to the fire escape door).
- EXTINGUISH the fire only if you can do so without endangering yourself.
- EVACUATE quietly and calmly using your nearest Emergency Stairwell Exit. Use Safe Stairwell Procedures listed below:
- Remove high heeled shoes.
- Move quickly. Walk in a single file using handrails.
- Do not use the elevator.
- Be prepared to move to one side for Emergency Personnel.
- Allow others to enter without holding up traffic.
- Send messengers down letting fire department know of location of physically impaired individuals.
- Do not smoke.
- Do not spread false information.
- Travel as quickly as possible.
- Do not panic or push while exiting the building.
- Report any necessary information to Fire Department or other individuals as you exit the building.
If You Smell Smoke Or Hear The Alarm:
- Before opening any door, feel the top of the door with your hand. If the door is HOT - DO NOT OPEN IT.
- Proceed to an alternate exit door.
- If no alternate exit door is available, call Fire Department (911). Give them your exact location and all known facts.
- Call Security (404) 654-1285 and Property Management (404) 524-3787. Give them the same information that you gave the Fire Department.
- Seal the door and any vents with cloth material to keep the smoke out. Retreat - Close as many doors between you and the fire as possible.
- If you encounter smoke, stay low. Air is cooler and cleaner closer to the floor. If water is available, keep a wet cloth over your mouth or nose.
- Avoid breaking windows. This may cause the fire to spread in your direction by being a fresh source of oxygen. Signal at the window by waving a brightly colored object.
- Remain calm. Help is on the way.
If the Door is Not Hot:
- Open door cautiously while standing behind it while being prepared to quickly close the door if needed. Check the corridor.
- If there is smoke present, stay low and crawl to the nearest Exit. Be sure to close the doors behind you. Walk down.
- If there is no smoke, walk to your Primary Stairwell Exit. Evacuate using Safe Stairwell Procedures.
- In any fire where heavy smoke is present, remember that smoke rises, and cleaner air is near the floor - you may want to crawl on your hands and knees. If water is available, hold a wet cloth over your nose and mouth.
Evacuation of Disabled Persons
- Please be sure to provide your Assistant Property Manager with a list of the names and locations of all persons who require assistance should it become necessary to evacuate the building. Because of emergencies, this list should be updated on a regular basis.
- Any physically impaired individuals on your floor should be assisted into the stairwell by assigned co-workers.
- Safe Refuge areas and Evacuation routes are planned, tested, and posted in case of an emergency evacuation. If an emergency warrants leaving the building, employees should know where these designated safe refuge areas are located.
- Property Management has a list of Safe Refuge Locations.